There are two homes on this property*There is another listing in "Detached Single" List Number 12134594*There are also three digit addresses for the two homes*The "Larger House" is 234 Deerpath Rd and the "Smaller House" is 232 Deerpath Rd But they are all on One Pin Number*The Property was Professionally Appraised and Appraisal indicates that the "Highest and Best Use" of the property is for it to be developed into a subdivision of single family homes*The property is zoned R5*Lots would have to be 10,000 sq ft minimum lot width is 75'*The size of the property is off of an older survey that is in Other Information*The Village is saying that there can be 7 perhaps 8 lots*This is not an up to date survey, as far as, lot sizes and how many lots can be made*The Village of Lake Zurich will do a Courtesy Review*Please review the Zoning Application Guide*The Property and Homes are Being Sold "As Is"*The 2nd Home Room Sizes are Living room 17x12 Dining room 12x10 Kitchen 14x7 Master Bedroom 14x11 and 2nd Bedroom 13x10 It has an Unfinished Basement*Furnace does not work*Rock Rose where the lot driveways would come off of would need to be widened as it is only 40' and must be 60' with curbs, gutters and sidewalks*Other Information also has Village of Lake Zurich Application Guide